The lobster is steaming hot...
- On 2016-03-23 17:03:42
- By stravely
The Lobster Place
The lobster is steaming hot and succulent! What a way to make your day. The lobster slider, crabcake slider and shrimp slider are delicious as lunch bites. If you love seafood... this is the place to get it!

Labster for 2 75

우와 이런데가잇다니 ㅋㅋ 나도싱가폴가서 칠리크랩이랑 랍스타머거야지 쫍쫍
데워주고저렴하고 좋네요 ㅋㅋ
바보온달배 싱가폴맛집투어잘하고와ㅋㅋ
먹고 싶어요^^